Interface MemberIdentity

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
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    public interface MemberIdentity
    The MemberIdentity interface represents the identity of a cluster member.
    Coherence 3.7.1
    pfm 2011.05.12
    • Field Detail


        static final int MEMBER_IDENTITY_LIMIT
        The member identity limit used to restrict the size of various fields.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getClusterName

        String getClusterName()
        Return the name of the cluster with which this member is associated.
        the cluster name
      • getMachineId

        int getMachineId()
        Return the Member's machine Id. This identifier should be the same for Members that are on the same physical machine, and ideally different for Members that are on different physical machines.
        the Member's machine Id
      • getMachineName

        String getMachineName()
        Return the configured name for the Machine (such as a host name) in which this Member resides. This name is used for logging purposes and to differentiate among multiple servers, and may be used as the basis for determining the MachineId property.
        the configured Machine name or null
      • getMemberName

        String getMemberName()
        Return the configured name for the Member. This name is used for logging purposes and to differentiate among Members running within a particular process.
        the configured Member name or null
      • getPriority

        int getPriority()
        Return the priority (or "weight") of the local Member.
        the member priority
      • getProcessName

        String getProcessName()
        Return the configured name for the Process (such as a JVM) in which this Member resides. This name is used for logging purposes and to differentiate among multiple processes on a a single machine.
        the configured Process name or null
      • getRackName

        String getRackName()
        Return the configured name for the Rack (such as a physical rack, cage or blade frame) in which this Member resides. This name is used for logging purposes and to differentiate among multiple racks within a particular data center, for example.
        the configured Rack name or null
      • getSiteName

        String getSiteName()
        Return the configured name for the Site (such as a data center) in which this Member resides. This name is used for logging purposes and to differentiate among multiple geographic sites.
        the configured Site name or null
      • getRoleName

        String getRoleName()
        Return the configured role name for the Member. This role is completely definable by the application, and can be used to determine what Members to use for specific purposes.
        the configured role name for the Member or null
      • getRoles

        default Set<String> getRoles()
        Return a set of role names for the Member. The role names are parsed from a comma-delimited role name definable by the application.
        the set of role names for the Member
        Coherence 12.2.3