Interface InvocationObserver

  • public interface InvocationObserver
    The InvocationObserver is an object that asynchronously receives notification of results from the execution of Invocable objects.
    Coherence 2.1
    cp/gg 2003-02-17
    • Method Detail

      • memberCompleted

        void memberCompleted​(Member member,
                             Object oResult)
        This method is called by the InvocationService to inform the InvocationObserver that a member has finished running the Invocable object; the result of the invocation, if any, is provided to the InvocationObserver. The result will be null if no result is registered by the Invocable object, or if it explicitly registers a result whose value is null.
        member - cluster Member that has finished the execution of the Invocable object
        oResult - the result, if any, of the invocation
      • memberFailed

        void memberFailed​(Member member,
                          Throwable eFailure)
        This method is called by the InvocationService to inform the InvocationObserver that a member has thrown an exception while running the Invocable object.
        member - cluster Member that encountered an exception while executing the Invocable object
        eFailure - the Throwable object that was encountered
      • memberLeft

        void memberLeft​(Member member)
        This method is called by the InvocationService to inform the InvocationObserver that a member that the Invocable object was intended for execution upon has left the service (or the cluster).

        It cannot be determined whether the member never received the Invocable object, received and began execution of it and left before finishing, or even completed execution of it without managing to report a result.

        member - cluster Member that left the service before reporting the completion of the execution of the Invocable object
      • invocationCompleted

        void invocationCompleted()
        This method is called by the InvocationService to inform the InvocationObserver that all service members have either finished the Invocable object execution or are not (or no longer) running the InvocationService.