Class ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AddressProvider, DescribableAddressProvider, SocketAddressProvider, Iterable, Collection, Set

    public class ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider
    extends ConfigurableAddressProvider
    ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider is an AddressProvider which is only capable of returning local addresses.

    As is it known that only local addresses can be returned, this provider supports some formats not supported by the ConfigurableAddressProvider, namely empty and null hostnames are assumed to be equal to "localhost". Additionally, the hostname string may be in CIDR format (e.g. subnet/mask) allowing the provider to choose a matching local address.

    Coherence 3.7.1
    mf 2011.06.13
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider

        public ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider​(XmlElement xmlConfig)
        Construct an instance of ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider based on the specified XML element.

        Unresolvable addresses will be skipped.

        xmlConfig - the XML element that contains the configuration info
      • ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider

        public ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider​(int nPort)
        Constructs a ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider for all local IPs and the given port.
      • ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider

        public ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider​(XmlElement xmlConfig,
                                                boolean fSafe)
        Construct an instance of ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider based on the specified XML element.
        xmlConfig - the XML element that contains the configuration info
        fSafe - true if the provider is skips unresolved addresses
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static AddressProviderBuilder builder​(int nPort)
        Return a builder which will produce Providers for all local addresses and the specified port
        nPort - the port
        the builder