Class PofValueParser

    • Constructor Detail

      • PofValueParser

        public PofValueParser()
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static PofValue parse​(ReadBuffer buf,
                                     PofContext ctx)
        Parses POF-encoded binary and returns an instance of a PofValue wrapper for it.
        buf - POF-encoded binary value
        ctx - POF context to use
        a PofValue instance
      • parseValue

        protected static PofValue parseValue​(PofValue valueParent,
                                             ReadBuffer bufValue,
                                             PofContext ctx,
                                             int of)
        Parse a POF-encoded binary and return an instance of a PofValue wrapping the binary.
        valueParent - parent POF value
        bufValue - buffer with POF-encoded binary value
        ctx - POF context to use
        of - offset of the parsed value from the beginning of the POF stream
        a PofValue instance
      • parseUniformValue

        protected static PofValue parseUniformValue​(PofValue valueParent,
                                                    int nType,
                                                    ReadBuffer bufValue,
                                                    PofContext ctx,
                                                    int of)
        Parses a uniform POF-encoded binary and returns an instance of a PofValue wrapping the binary.
        valueParent - parent POF value
        nType - type identifier of this POF value
        bufValue - POF-encoded binary value without the type identifier
        ctx - POF context to use
        of - offset of the parsed value from the beginning of the POF stream
        a PofValue instance
      • instantiatePofValue

        protected static PofValue instantiatePofValue​(PofValue valueParent,
                                                      int nType,
                                                      ReadBuffer bufValue,
                                                      PofContext ctx,
                                                      int of,
                                                      ReadBuffer.BufferInput in)
        Creates a PofValue instance.
        valueParent - parent POF value
        nType - type identifier of this POF value
        bufValue - POF-encoded binary value without the type identifier
        ctx - POF context to use
        of - offset of the parsed value from the beginning of the POF stream
        in - buffer input to read the value from
        a PofValue instance