Class PofDeltaCompressor.ChangeTracker

  • Enclosing class:

    protected static class PofDeltaCompressor.ChangeTracker
    extends Object
    When determining a delta between two POF buffers, the ChangeTracker keeps track of whether the current location within the two POF streams is part of a differing portion or part of an identical portion.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeTracker

        public ChangeTracker​(ReadBuffer.BufferInput inOld,
                             ReadBuffer.BufferInput inNew)
                      throws IOException
        Construct a ChangeTracker that will produce a delta between the two passed streams.
        inOld - the BuferInput for the old value
        inNew - the BuferInput for the new value
        IOException - if some use of the underlying streams throws an exception
    • Method Detail

      • advance

        public void advance​(boolean fSame)
                     throws IOException
        Update the tracker to indicate that the most recently scanned region was the same or different.
        fSame - pass true if the most recently scanned region of the streams was identical; false otherwise
        IOException - if some use of the underlying streams throws an exception
      • getDelta

        public Binary getDelta()
                        throws IOException
        Obtain the final delta result as a Binary value.
        a Binary containing the delta value
        IOException - if some use of the underlying streams throws an exception