Class ByteBufferInputStream

    • Field Detail

      • m_buf

        protected ByteBuffer m_buf
        The ByteBuffer object from which data is read.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ByteBufferInputStream

        public ByteBufferInputStream​(ByteBuffer buffer)
        Construct a ByteBufferInputStream on a ByteBuffer object.
        buffer - the ByteBuffer to read the data from
    • Method Detail

      • getByteBuffer

        public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
        Obtain the ByteBuffer that this InputStream is based on.
        the underlying ByteBuffer
      • read

        public int read()
                 throws IOException
        Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. The value byte is returned as an int in the range 0 to 255. If no byte is available because the end of the stream has been reached, the value -1 is returned. This method blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is detected, or an exception is thrown.
        Specified by:
        read in interface
        Specified by:
        read in class InputStream
        the next byte of data, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • read

        public int read​(byte[] abDest,
                        int ofDest,
                        int cbDest)
                 throws IOException
        Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes. An attempt is made to read as many as len bytes, but a smaller number may be read, possibly zero. The number of bytes actually read is returned as an integer.
        Specified by:
        read in interface
        read in class InputStream
        abDest - the buffer into which the data is read
        ofDest - the start offset in array b at which the data is written
        cbDest - the maximum number of bytes to read
        the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1 if there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • skip

        public long skip​(long lcb)
                  throws IOException
        Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream. The skip method may, for a variety of reasons, end up skipping over some smaller number of bytes, possibly 0. This may result from any of a number of conditions; reaching end of file before n bytes have been skipped is only one possibility. The actual number of bytes skipped is returned. If n is negative, no bytes are skipped.
        Specified by:
        skip in interface
        skip in class InputStream
        lcb - the number of bytes to be skipped
        the actual number of bytes skipped
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • available

        public int available()
                      throws IOException
        Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next caller of a method for this input stream. The next caller might be the same thread or or another thread.
        Specified by:
        available in interface
        available in class InputStream
        the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • mark

        public void mark​(int readlimit)
        Marks the current position in this input stream. A subsequent call to the reset method repositions this stream at the last marked position so that subsequent reads re-read the same bytes.
        Specified by:
        mark in interface
        mark in class InputStream
        readlimit - the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before the mark position becomes invalid
      • reset

        public void reset()
                   throws IOException
        Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
        Specified by:
        reset in interface
        reset in class InputStream
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • markSupported

        public boolean markSupported()
        Tests if this input stream supports the mark and reset methods. The markSupported method of InputStream returns false.
        Specified by:
        markSupported in interface
        markSupported in class InputStream
        true if this true type supports the mark and reset method; false otherwise
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws IOException
        Close the stream, flushing any accumulated bytes. The underlying buffer is not closed.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
        close in class InputStream
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      • potentialStreamClosedException

        protected NullPointerException potentialStreamClosedException​(NullPointerException e)
                                                               throws IOException
        Check if an NPE is caused by the stream being closed. Either throws an IO exception if the stream is closed or throws the original NPE.
        e - an NPE
        this method never returns normally but is designed so that the developer can write "throw potentialStreamClosedException(e)" so that the compiler knows that an exception is thrown at that point in the code
        IOException - if the stream is closed