Class AbstractStoreManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractStoreManager

        public AbstractStoreManager​(int cbInitial,
                                    int cbMaximum)
        Construct a AbstractStoreManager that uses BinaryMap objests built on the ByteBufferManager(s) with certain initial and maximum size.
        cbInitial - the initial size of the managed buffers
        cbMaximum - the maximum size of the managed buffers
    • Method Detail

      • getMinCapacity

        public int getMinCapacity()
        Determine the minimum size that the managed buffers can reach.
        minimum size for the managed buffers
      • setMinCapacity

        public void setMinCapacity​(int cb)
        Specify the minimum size that the managed buffers can reach.
        cb - minimum size for the managed buffers
      • getMaxCapacity

        public int getMaxCapacity()
        Determine the maximum size that the managed buffers can reach.
        maximum size for the managed buffers
      • setMaxCapacity

        public void setMaxCapacity​(int cb)
        Specify the maximum size that the managed buffers can reach.
        cb - maximum size for the managed buffers
      • destroyBinaryStore

        public void destroyBinaryStore​(BinaryStore store)
        Lifecycle method: Destroy a BinaryStore previously created by this manager.
        Specified by:
        destroyBinaryStore in interface BinaryStoreManager
        store - a BinaryStore object previously created by this manager
      • createBufferManager

        protected abstract ByteBufferManager createBufferManager()
        Create a ByteBufferManager to be used by a BinaryStore.