class |
AbstractWriteBuffer.AbstractBufferOutput |
AbstractBufferOutput is a concrete implementation of BufferOutput for
the non-concrete AbstractWriteBuffer implementation.
class |
Base64OutputStream |
Writes binary data into a Writer using IETF RFC 2045 Base64 Content
Transfer Encoding.
class |
ByteArrayWriteBuffer.ByteArrayBufferOutput |
ByteArrayBufferOutput is an implementation of BufferOutput optimized
for writing to the buffer's underlying byte array.
class |
DebugDataOutputStream |
This is an imitation DataOutputStream class that logs the output in a
human-readable format for debugging purposes.
class |
DelegatingWriteBuffer.DelegatingBufferOutput |
A BufferOutput implementation that delegates to a BufferOutput
implementation, except that its offset range is shifted and limited.
class |
MultiBufferWriteBuffer.MultiBufferOutput |
The MultiBufferOutput implementation extends the AbstractBufferOutput
to provide "pass through" operations to the underlying buffer if the
operation is guaranteed to fit in the underlying buffer; otherwise,
it virtualizes the operation onto the MultiBufferWriteBuffer itself so
that the over-run of one underlying WriteBuffer will end up being
written to the next underlying WriteBuffer.
class |
MultiByteArrayOutputStream |
An OutputStream that accumulates the written data to a series of byte
arrays that do not exceed a specified size.
class |
PackedDataOutputStream |
This is an imitation DataOutputStream class that packs its data tighter
using variable-length integers and supports UTF longer than 64KB.
class |
SizeEstimatingBufferOutput |
SizeEstimatingBufferOutput is a WriteBuffer.BufferOutput implementation which writes nothing, and simply maintains
an estimated byte count of how much would have been written.
class |
WrapperBufferOutput |
This is an imitation BufferOutput implementation that provides the
BufferOutput interface by delegating to an object that implements the
DataOutput interface.
static class |
WrapperBufferOutput.VersionAwareBufferOutput |
A BufferOutput implementation that in addition to delegating to the given
DataOutput provides an API to check whether the recipients of the content
of this BufferOutput run versions that supersede (greater or equal to)
the specified version.
class |
WrapperDataOutputStream |
This is an imitation DataOutputStream class that provides the DataOutput
interface by delegating to an object that implements the DataOutput
class |
WrapperObjectOutputStream |
This is an imitation ObjectOutputStream class that provides the
ObjectOutput interface by delegating to an object that implements the
ObjectOutput interface.
class |
WrapperOutputStream |
This is an OutputStream class that delegates to another OutputStream.
class |
WriterPrintStream |
Overrides PrintStream to delegate to a PrintWriter.