Class BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BinaryStoreManager, XmlConfigurable

    public class BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager
    extends Base
    implements BinaryStoreManager, XmlConfigurable
    An implementation of the BinaryStoreManager interface using Sleepycat Berkeley DB Java Edition.

    The usage pattern for BinaryStoreManagers is simply to instantiate them, use them to allocate a single BinaryStore instance, and forget about them. This implementation maintains knowledge of previously created Berkeley DB Environments via a static DatabaseFactoryManager, thus ensuring a minimum number of Environments are created, regardless of the life-cycle of the BinaryStoreManager.

    mf 2005.09.29
    See Also:
    Berkeley DB JE JavaDoc
    • Field Detail

      • m_xmlConfig

        protected XmlElement m_xmlConfig
        Stored configuration for this Manager.
      • m_dirParent

        protected File m_dirParent
        Parent directory for creating Environments.
      • m_sDbName

        protected String m_sDbName
        Database name, used for persistent stores.
      • m_fTemporary

        protected boolean m_fTemporary
        Flag indicating if this store manages temporary data.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager

        public BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager()
        Default constructor.

        The temporary Environment directory will be placed under $tmp/coherence/bdb, where $tmp is the system defined temp directory.

        Configuration is performed via XmlConfigurable interface.

        See Also:
      • BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager

        public BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager​(File dirParent,
                                            String sDbName)
        Construct a Berkeley DB BinaryStoreManager for the specified directory.

        A temporary directory will be created beneath the specified parent directory, for use by the Berkeley Environment.

        Additional configuration is performed via XmlConfigurable interface.

        dirParent - the parent directory for the Environment
        sDbName - the name of the database to store the cache's data within. This value is only specified when using a persistent store.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return a human readable description of the BinaryStoreManager.
        toString in class Object
        human readable description of the BinaryStoreManager
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object that)
        Compares two BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManagers for equality.

        Two instances are considered to be equal if their underlying configuration is identical, or if they have reference equality.

        equals in class Object
        that - the object to compare equality against
        true if they are equal, false otherwise
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Computes the hash code of the BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager.

        The hash code is computed as the sum of the hash codes of the Objects making up the BerkeleyDBBinaryStoreManager's configuration.

        hashCode in class Object
        the hash code
      • destroyBinaryStore

        public void destroyBinaryStore​(BinaryStore store)
        Destroy a BinaryStore previously created by this manager.
        Specified by:
        destroyBinaryStore in interface BinaryStoreManager
        store - a BinaryStore object previously created by this manager
      • getConfig

        public XmlElement getConfig()
        Retrieve the manager's configuration.
        Specified by:
        getConfig in interface XmlConfigurable
        XmlElement containing the configuration
      • setConfig

        public void setConfig​(XmlElement xmlConfig)
        Specify the manager's configuration.

        Any configuration setting prefixed with je. will be passed through to Berkeley DB Configuration.

        Specified by:
        setConfig in interface XmlConfigurable
        xmlConfig - the new configuration
        See Also:
        Berkeley DB Configuration
      • getFactoryManager

        public static DatabaseFactoryManager getFactoryManager()
        Get the DatabaseFactoryManager.

        This manager is used to find pre-existing DatabaseFactory objects.

        the DatabaseFactoryManager
      • getParentDirectory

        public File getParentDirectory()
        Get the configured parent directory.

        This is the directory in which Berkeley DB Environment sub-directories will be created.

        the parent directory
      • isTemporary

        public boolean isTemporary()
        Return true if this is a manager for temporary stores.
        true if this is a manager for temporary stores