Class AsyncBinaryStoreManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AsyncBinaryStoreManager
    extends Object
    implements BinaryStoreManager
    An AsyncBinaryStoreManager is a wrapper BinaryStoreManager that creates wrapper AsyncBinaryStore objects. An AsyncBinaryStore is a BinaryStore wrapper that performs the "O" portion of its I/O asynchronously (on a daemon thread.) Since the "O" portion is passed along to the wrapped BinaryStore on a separate thread, only read operations are blocking, thus the BinaryStore operations on a whole appear much faster. (It is somewhat analogous to a write-behind cache.)

    In order for the AsyncBinaryStore objects to be used in situations that require a BinaryStoreManager, this class provides a manager for the AsyncBinaryStore objects, but to create the BinaryStore objects that will be wrapped by the AsyncBinaryStore objects, this AsyncBinaryStoreManager class has to be provided with an underlying BinaryStoreManager to wrap.

    Coherence 2.5
    cp 2004.06.18
    • Constructor Detail

      • AsyncBinaryStoreManager

        public AsyncBinaryStoreManager​(BinaryStoreManager manager)
        Construct an AsyncBinaryStoreManager. An AsyncBinaryStoreManager creates and destroys AsyncBinaryStore objects, which wrap other BinaryStore objects to provide asynchronous write operations.
        manager - the BinaryStoreManager to wrap
      • AsyncBinaryStoreManager

        public AsyncBinaryStoreManager​(BinaryStoreManager manager,
                                       int cbMax)
        Construct an AsyncBinaryStoreManager. An AsyncBinaryStoreManager creates and destroys AsyncBinaryStore objects, which wrap other BinaryStore objects to provide asynchronous write operations.
        manager - the BinaryStoreManager to wrap
        cbMax - the maximum number of bytes to queue before blocking
    • Method Detail

      • destroyBinaryStore

        public void destroyBinaryStore​(BinaryStore store)
        Lifecycle method: Destroy a BinaryStore previously created by this manager.
        Specified by:
        destroyBinaryStore in interface BinaryStoreManager
        store - a BinaryStore object previously created by this manager
      • getBinaryStoreManager

        protected BinaryStoreManager getBinaryStoreManager()
        the wrapped BinaryStoreManager
      • getBinaryStoreMap

        protected Map getBinaryStoreMap()
        the map of created AsyncBinaryStore objects and their corresponding wrapped BinaryStore objects
      • getQueuedLimit

        protected int getQueuedLimit()
        the maximum number of pending bytes to allow to accumulate for async I/O in each of the AsyncBinaryStore objects created by this manager
      • instantiateAsyncBinaryStore

        protected AsyncBinaryStore instantiateAsyncBinaryStore​(BinaryStore store)
        Factory method: Instantiate an AsyncBinaryStore.
        a new AsyncBinaryStore