Class CoherenceQueryLanguageEngine

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CoherenceQueryLanguageEngine
    extends AbstractQueryEngine
    Coherence QL-based implementation of QueryEngine.

    The query expression consumed by this implementation is the "where" predicate of the Coherence Query Language.

    Note: Although this query engine supports paging, the current implementation still handles entire result set on the client. That can lead to massive memory consumption (and possible OutOfMemoryErrors) if invoked on large caches with an unrestricted query.

    ic 2011.12.04
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoherenceQueryLanguageEngine

        public CoherenceQueryLanguageEngine()
    • Method Detail

      • prepareQuery

        public Query prepareQuery​(String sQuery,
                                  Map<String,​Object> mapParams)
        Prepares a Query for execution by replacing any parameter placeholders with the appropriate values from the parameter map.
        sQuery - query expression
        mapParams - parameter values used to resolve parameters from query expression
        a Query instance ready for execution