Class DefaultKeyConverter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultKeyConverter
    extends Object
    implements KeyConverter
    Default implementation of KeyConverter for a given key class.

    This KeyConverter implementation uses the following rules to perform key conversion:

    • toString:
      1. if the key class is java.util.Date, format the argument as yyyy-MM-dd;
      2. if the key class is UUID or UID, return a hexadecimal representation of the argument without the leading Ox;
      3. otherwise, call the toString method on the argument
    • fromString:
      1. if the key class is java.util.Date, the given string needs to be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd;
      2. otherwise, look for a constructor or a static fromString, valueOf or parse method (in that order) on the key class
    as 2011.06.08
    • Field Detail

      • m_clzKey

        protected final Class m_clzKey
        Key class.
      • m_ctorFromString

        protected final Constructor m_ctorFromString
        Constructor to use for conversion from string.
      • m_methFromString

        protected final Method m_methFromString
        Static method to use for conversion from string.
      • METHODS

        protected static final String[] METHODS
        Method names that should be tried in order when looking for a method that can be used for conversion from string.

        protected static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT
        DateFormat instance that will be used to convert Date keys.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultKeyConverter

        public DefaultKeyConverter​(Class clzKey)
        Construct a DefaultKeyConverter instance.
        clzKey - key class
    • Method Detail

      • fromString

        public Object fromString​(String sKey)
        Convert a string representation of a key into its object form.
        Specified by:
        fromString in interface KeyConverter
        sKey - key as a string
        key in its object form
      • toString

        public String toString​(Object oKey)
        Convert an object representation of a key into its string form.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface KeyConverter
        oKey - key in its original object form
        string representation of a key
      • findConstructor

        protected Constructor findConstructor()
        Find a key class constructor that accepts a single String argument.
        constructor if it exists, null otherwise
      • findMethod

        protected Method findMethod​(String sMethodName)
        Find a static method with a specified name that accepts a single String argument.
        sMethodName - the name of the method
        method if it exists, null otherwise