Class PathOPToken

  • public class PathOPToken
    extends OPToken
    PathOPToken is used to implement dereferencing paths where you have a sequence of identifiers or function calls seperated by a path separator.
    djl 2009.03.14
    • Constructor Detail

      • PathOPToken

        public PathOPToken​(String sId,
                           int nBp)
        Construct a new PathOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string identifier for this token
        nBp - the binding power for this token
      • PathOPToken

        public PathOPToken​(String sId,
                           int nBp,
                           String sLedASTName)
        Construct a new PathOPToken with the given parameters.
        sId - string representation of the token
        nBp - the binding power for this token
        sLedASTName - the name for this tokens AST
    • Method Detail

      • led

        public Term led​(OPParser p,
                        Term leftNode)
        Process this token and possibly the given leftNodein the context of a parser with the left denotation. A led method typically will be interested t in the token to the left. The processing results in an Abstract Syntax Tree Node that captures the meaning
        led in class OPToken
        p - the parser that is the context for parsing
        leftNode - an ast Term that the token is possibly interested in
        an AstNode