Class AbstractSQLSnapshotOPToken

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSQLSnapshotOPToken

        public AbstractSQLSnapshotOPToken​(String id)
        Construct a new AbstractSQLSnapshotOPToken.
        id - the string representing the command
      • AbstractSQLSnapshotOPToken

        public AbstractSQLSnapshotOPToken​(String id,
                                          String sNudASTName)
        Construct a new AbstractSQLSnapshotOPToken.
        id - the string representing the command
        sNudASTName - the ast name to use for constructing an ast
    • Method Detail

      • process

        protected Term process​(OPScanner s,
                               String sOperation,
                               String sFunctor)
        Process the commands for the given operation and return a valid Term for the command.
        s - OPScanner to read commands from
        sOperation - the operation being called
        sFunctor - the current functor
        the processed Term