Class ServicesStatementBuilder.ServicesQueryPlusStatement

    • Field Detail

      • f_sAction

        protected final String f_sAction
        Flag indicating whether this command turns sanity checking on or off.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServicesQueryPlusStatement

        public ServicesQueryPlusStatement​(String sAction)
        Construct a ServicesQueryPlusStatement that will execute the specified service command action.
        sAction - the action this statement will perform
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public StatementResult execute​(ExecutionContext ctx)
        Description copied from interface: Statement
        Execute a CohQL query or command and return the relevant result.
        ctx - the context to use
        a StatementResult containing the results of executing the statement
      • dumpServiceInfo

        public StatementResult dumpServiceInfo​(ExecutionContext ctx)
        Return information about the current set of Coherence services.
        ctx - the ExecutionContext to use to obtain the current Coherence Cluster
        information about the current set of Coherence services