Class QueryPlus.DependenciesHelper

    • Constructor Detail

      • DependenciesHelper

        public DependenciesHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static QueryPlus.Dependencies newInstance​(PrintWriter writer,
                                                         InputStream inputStream,
                                                         CoherenceQueryLanguage language,
                                                         String[] asArgs)
        Create a new instance of QueryPlus.Dependencies.

        If the JLine library is present on the classpath and the -nojline argument is not passed in the asArgs array then the specified InputStream will be wrapped in a jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream.

        writer - the PrintWriter to use to display output
        inputStream - the InputStream that will be used to supply input to QueryPlus
        asArgs - the command line arguments to use to configure the dependencies
        language - the instance of {link CoherenceQueryLanguage} to be used by QueryPlus
        a new instance of Dependencies
      • usage

        public static void usage​(PrintWriter writer)
        Print the command line usage message to the specified writer.
        writer - the PrintWriter to print the usage message to