Class ChainedExtractorBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChainedExtractorBuilder

        public ChainedExtractorBuilder​(ExtractorBuilder... aBuilders)
        Construct a ChainedExtractorBuilder that uses the specified chain of ExtractorBuilders to realize instances of ValueExtractors.
        aBuilders - the chain of ExtractorBuilder to use
    • Method Detail

      • realize

        public ValueExtractor realize​(String sCacheName,
                                      int nTarget,
                                      String sProperties)
        Call the realize(String, int, String) method on each ExtractorBuilder in the chain returning the result of the first ExtractorBuilder to return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        realize in interface ExtractorBuilder
        sCacheName - the name of the cache the ValueExtractor will be invoked against
        nTarget - the target for the ValueExtractor
        sProperties - the path to the property value to extract
        a ValueExtractor for the given cache name, target and properties or null if non of the ExtractorBuilder returned a non-null value