Class Resources

  • public abstract class Resources
    extends ListResourceBundle
    Implement simple basis for package (and other) resources.
    1.00, 11/17/97
    Cameron Purdy
    • Constructor Detail

      • Resources

        public Resources()
    • Method Detail

      • getString

        public String getString​(String sKey,
                                String sDefault)
        Get the specified resource text.
        sKey - the resource key
        sDefault - returns this string if the resource cannot be found
        the requested string, formatted if specified
      • getString

        public String getString​(String sKey,
                                String[] asParam,
                                String sDefault)
        Get the specified resource string.
        sKey - the resource key
        asParam - an array of arguments to fill in replaceable parameters
        sDefault - returns this string if the resource cannot be found
        the requested string, formatted if specified
      • findResource

        public static URL findResource​(String sName,
                                       ClassLoader loader)
        Find the URL of the resource with the given name using the specified ClassLoader or the following Classes:

        If a resource with the given name is not found, this method attempts to find the resource using a fully-qualified or relative version of the specified name. As a last attempt, the name will be treated as a URL.

        sName - the name of the resource
        loader - the ClassLoader used to locate the resource; if null, or resource is not found, the list of ClassLoaders described above will be tried
        the URL of the resource or null if the resource could not be found and the resource name is not a valid URL specification
      • findRelativeOrAbsoluteResource

        public static URL findRelativeOrAbsoluteResource​(String sName,
                                                         ClassLoader loader)
        Find the URL of the resource with the given name using the specified ClassLoader. An attempt is made with both a relative URL and an absolute (fully-qualified) URL if required. This method will only search the provided ClassLoader; it is recommended to use findResource(String, ClassLoader) for a more exhaustive search.
        sName - the name of the resource
        loader - the ClassLoader used to locate the resource; this method returns null if a null ClassLoader is provided
        the URL of the resource or null if the resource could not be found or if a null ClassLoader is provided
        See Also:
        findResource(String, ClassLoader)
      • getFileURL

        public static URL getFileURL​(String sName)
        Obtain a URL for an existing file with the specified name.
        sName - the name of the file
        the file URL, or null if file does not exist
      • findFileOrResource

        public static URL findFileOrResource​(String sName,
                                             ClassLoader loader)
        Return a URL to the specified file or resource, using the specified class loader or a context ClassLoader.

        This method attempts to locate a file with the specified name or path. If the file does not exist or cannot be read, this method attempts to locate a resource with the given name, using the specified class loader or context class loader.

        If a resource with the given name is not found, this method attempts to find the resource using a fully-qualified or relative version of the specified name. As a last attempt, the name will be treated as a URL.
        sName - the name of the file or resource
        loader - the ClassLoader used to locate the resource; if null, Classes.getContextClassLoader() is used
        the URL of the file or resource or null if the resource could not be found and the resource name is not a valid URL specification