Class ExternalizableHelper

    • Field Detail

      • FMT_NONE

        public static final int FMT_NONE
        Serialization format: Unknown value (alias to FMT_UNKNOWN).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FMT_UNKNOWN
        Serialization format: Unknown value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_NULL

        public static final int FMT_NULL
        Serialization format: Null value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_INT

        public static final int FMT_INT
        Serialization format: Integer value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_LONG

        public static final int FMT_LONG
        Serialization format: Long value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_DOUBLE

        public static final int FMT_DOUBLE
        Serialization format: Double value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FMT_INTEGER
        Serialization format: BigInteger value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FMT_DECIMAL
        Serialization format: BigDecimal value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_STRING

        public static final int FMT_STRING
        Serialization format: String value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_BINARY

        public static final int FMT_BINARY
        Serialization format: Binary value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_B_ARRAY

        public static final int FMT_B_ARRAY
        Serialization format: Byte array value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_XML_SER

        public static final int FMT_XML_SER
        Serialization format: XmlSerializable value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_OBJ_EXT

        public static final int FMT_OBJ_EXT
        Serialization format: ExternalizableLite value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_OBJ_SER

        public static final int FMT_OBJ_SER
        Serialization format: Serializable value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_XML_BEAN

        public static final int FMT_XML_BEAN
        Serialization format: XmlBean value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_IDO

        public static final int FMT_IDO
        Serialization format: Integer-decorated value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_FLOAT

        public static final int FMT_FLOAT
        Serialization format: Float value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_SHORT

        public static final int FMT_SHORT
        Serialization format: Short value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_BYTE

        public static final int FMT_BYTE
        Serialization format: Byte value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FMT_BOOLEAN
        Serialization format: Boolean value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_BIN_DECO

        public static final int FMT_BIN_DECO
        Serialization format: Decorated Binary value.

        Structure is:

         byte 0    : format identifier (18)
         byte 1    : bit mask of decoration identifiers (see DECO_* constants)
         byte 2    : packed int specifying the length of the first decoration
         byte next : binary data
        For each decoration, there is a packed int for its length, followed by its binary data. The first decoration is the decorated value itself, if present.

        Note: FMT_IDO cannot be combined with FMT_BIN_DECO.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FMT_BIN_EXT_DECO
        Serialization format: Extended-range Decorated Binary value.

        Structure is:

         byte 0    : format identifier (19)
         byte 1    : bit mask of decoration identifiers (see DECO_* constants),
                     in the packed long format (1-10 bytes)
         byte next : packed int specifying the length of the first decoration
         byte next : binary data
        For each decoration, there is a packed int for its length, followed by its binary data. The first decoration is the decorated value itself, if present.

        Note: FMT_IDO cannot be combined with FMT_BIN_EXT_DECO.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_EXT

        public static final int FMT_EXT
        Serialization format: A DefaultSerializer is NOT used.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_OPT

        public static final int FMT_OPT
        Serialization format: Optional value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_OPT_INT

        public static final int FMT_OPT_INT
        Serialization format: OptionalInt value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FMT_OPT_LONG

        public static final int FMT_OPT_LONG
        Serialization format: OptionalLong value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FMT_OPT_DOUBLE
        Serialization format: OptionalDouble value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_ID_MIN

        public static final int DECO_ID_MIN
        Decoration range: The minimum decoration identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_ID_MAX

        public static final int DECO_ID_MAX
        Decoration range: The maximum decoration identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_VALUE

        public static final int DECO_VALUE
        Decoration: The original value (before being decorated).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_EXPIRY
        Decoration: The expiry for the value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_STORE

        public static final int DECO_STORE
        Decoration: The persistent state for the value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_TX

        public static final int DECO_TX
        Decoration: Information managed on behalf of the transactions implementation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_PUSHREP
        Decoration: Information managed on behalf of Push Replication.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_BACKUP
        Decoration: Suggests the backup is not in sync.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_RSVD_1

        public static final int DECO_RSVD_1
        Decoration: Reserved for future use by Coherence; do not use.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_CUSTOM
        Decoration: A client specific value (opaque). The original intent of the "custom" decoration was that it would be reserved for use by application code, but previous to Coherence 3.7 it was also used for the OptimisticNamedCache implementation, the TopLink Grid implementation and the Coherence Incubator's "Push Replication" project. As of Coherence 3.7, this attribute is once again made available to frameworks and applications, although care must be taken to avoid using the versions of any of the frameworks that utilized this decoration. Applications are instead encouraged to use the new DECO_APP_1, DECO_APP_2 and DECO_APP_3 decorations.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_WLS

        public static final int DECO_WLS
        Decoration: Information managed on behalf of WebLogic.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_APP_1

        public static final int DECO_APP_1
        Decoration: Application-assignable decoration; this decoration will not be used, modified or overwritten by Coherence or other Oracle products.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_APP_2

        public static final int DECO_APP_2
        Decoration: Application-assignable decoration; this decoration will not be used, modified or overwritten by Coherence or other Oracle products.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DECO_APP_3

        public static final int DECO_APP_3
        Decoration: Application-assignable decoration; this decoration will not be used, modified or overwritten by Coherence or other Oracle products.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_MEMCACHED
        Decoration: Information managed on behalf of Memcached acceptor.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_JCACHE
        Decoration: Holds JCache specific meta-information for an entry.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_JCACHE_SYNTHETIC
        Decoration: Indicates if an update or delete is considered to be synthetic for JCache. (this is not the same as a Coherence synthetic update)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DECO_QUEUE_METADATA
        Decoration: Information about a queue element
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final int MAX_DECO_HEADER_BYTES
        The maximum number of bytes the header of the binary-decorated value may contain.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRINT_DOMAIN_SPAN
        Trints use 6 hexits (3 bytes), so the trint domain span is 0x01000000.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRINT_MAX_VALUE
        Trints use 6 hexits (3 bytes), so the trint maximum is 0x00FFFFFF.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRINT_MAX_VARIANCE
        Trints use 6 hexits (3 bytes), so the trint maximum variance (from a "current" value) is half the trint domain span, or 0x00800000.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Binary[] EMPTY_BINARY_ARRAY
        An empty array of Binary objects.

        public static final int PACKED_LONG_SIZE
        Maximum size of a packed long.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PACKED_INT_SIZE
        Maximum size of a packed int.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Converter CONVERTER_TO_BINARY
        A converter from Object to Binary format that uses the DefaultSerializer.
        Coherence 2.4

        public static final Converter CONVERTER_FROM_BINARY
        A converter from Binary to Object format, which uses the DefaultSerializer.
        Coherence 2.4

        public static final Converter CONVERTER_STRIP_INTDECO
        A pass-through Binary converter that removes an IntDecoration if present.
        Coherence 3.4

        public static final String PROPERTY_CONFIG
        The name of the system property that can be used to override the location of the ExternalizableHelper configuration file.

        The value of this property must be the name of a resource that contains an XML document with the structure defined in the /com/tangosol/util/ExternalizableHelper.xml configuration descriptor.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final boolean FORCE_RESOLVING_STREAMS
        Option: Always use a ResolvingObjectInputStream, even if a regular ObjectInputStream is available.

        public static final boolean USE_XMLBEAN_CLASS_CACHE
        Option: Use an XmlBean class cache.

        public static final boolean USE_POF_STREAMS
        Option: Use POF as the default serialization format.

        public static final String LAMBDA_SERIALIZATION
        Option: Use either static or dynamic lambda serialization.
      • s_streamfactory

        public static ObjectStreamFactory s_streamfactory
        Option: Configurable ObjectStreamFactory.

        public static final int CHUNK_THRESHOLD
        A threshold used to decide whether to perform deserialization using a chunking algorithm; default is greater than 128MB.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CHUNK_SIZE

        public static final int CHUNK_SIZE
        When using the chunking algorithm each chunk is constrained to 64MB by default.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExternalizableHelper

        public ExternalizableHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • toByteArray

        public static byte[] toByteArray​(Object o)
        Write an object to a byte array.
        o - the object to write into a byte array
        a byte array containing the serialized form of the passed object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • toByteArray

        public static byte[] toByteArray​(Object o,
                                         Serializer serializer)
        Write an object to a byte array using the specified Serializer.
        o - the object to write into a byte array
        serializer - the Serializer to use
        a byte array containing the serialized form of the passed object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • toByteArray

        public static byte[] toByteArray​(long l,
                                         byte[] ab)
        Convert a long to an 8-byte byte array.
        l - the long to convert
        ab - the byte array to populate or null if a new byte array should be created
        an 8-byte byte array that represents the given long
        See Also:
      • toLong

        public static long toLong​(byte[] ab)
        Convert a byte array to a long.
        ab - the byte array to convert
        a long based on the provided byte array
        See Also:
        toByteArray(long, byte[])
      • fromByteArray

        public static Object fromByteArray​(byte[] ab)
        Read an object from a byte array.
        ab - the byte array containing the object
        the object deserialized from the byte array
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • fromByteArray

        public static Object fromByteArray​(byte[] ab,
                                           ClassLoader loader)
        Read an object from a byte array.
        ab - the byte array containing the object
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        the object deserialized from the byte array
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • toBinary

        public static Binary toBinary​(Object o)
        Write an object into a Binary object.
        o - the object to write into a Binary object
        a Binary object containing a serialized form of the passed object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • toBinary

        public static Binary toBinary​(Object o,
                                      Serializer serializer)
        Write an object into a Binary object using the specified Serializer.
        o - the object to write into a Binary object
        serializer - the Serializer to use
        a Binary object containing a serialized form of the passed object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • toBinary

        public static Binary toBinary​(Object o,
                                      Serializer serializer,
                                      WriteBuffer buf)
        Write an object into a Binary object using the specified Serializer.
        o - the object to write into a Binary object
        serializer - the Serializer to use
        buf - the reusable WriteBuffer to serialize into; this buffer is not safe to reuse until the returned Binary has been disposed of
        a Binary object containing a serialized form of the passed object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • fromBinary

        public static <T> T fromBinary​(Binary bin)
        Read an object from a Binary object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the deserialized object
        bin - the Binary object containing the serialized object
        the object deserialized from the Binary object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • fromBinary

        public static <T> T fromBinary​(Binary bin,
                                       ClassLoader loader)
        Read an object from a Binary object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the deserialized object
        bin - the Binary object containing the serialized object
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        the object deserialized from the Binary object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • fromBinary

        public static <T> T fromBinary​(Binary bin,
                                       Serializer serializer)
        Read an object from a Binary object using the specified Serializer.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the deserialized object
        bin - the Binary object containing the serialized object
        serializer - the Serializer to use
        the object deserialized from the Binary object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • fromBinary

        public static <T> T fromBinary​(Binary bin,
                                       Serializer serializer,
                                       Class<T> clazz)
        Read an object from a Binary object using the specified Serializer and expected class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the deserialized object
        bin - the Binary object containing the serialized object
        serializer - the Serializer to use
        clazz - deserialize object as an instance of this class
        the object deserialized from the Binary object
        RuntimeException - may contain an IOException
      • fromBinary

        public static <T> T fromBinary​(Binary bin,
                                       Serializer serializer,
                                       Remote.Function<ReadBuffer.BufferInput,​ReadBuffer.BufferInput> supplier)
        Read an object from a Binary object using the specified Serializer.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the deserialized object
        bin - the Binary object containing the serialized object
        serializer - the Serializer to use
        supplier - an optional Function that given a BufferInput returns either the same or another BufferInput
        the object deserialized from the Binary object
        RuntimeException - may contain an IOException
      • fromBinary

        public static <T> T fromBinary​(Binary bin,
                                       Serializer serializer,
                                       Remote.Function<ReadBuffer.BufferInput,​ReadBuffer.BufferInput> supplier,
                                       Class<T> clazz)
        Read an object from a Binary object using the specified Serializer and expected class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the deserialized object
        bin - the Binary object containing the serialized object
        serializer - the Serializer to use
        supplier - an optional Function that given a BufferInput returns either the same or another BufferInput
        clazz - deserialize object as an instance of this class
        the object deserialized from the Binary object
        RuntimeException - may contain an IOException
      • ensureSerializer

        public static Serializer ensureSerializer​(ClassLoader loader)
        Obtain a Serializer for the specified ClassLoader. This method is intended to provide configurable indirection for the serialization of application objects.
        loader - a ClassLoader
        the Serializer to use with the specified ClassLoader
      • toLiteBinary

        public static Binary toLiteBinary​(ExternalizableLite o)
        Write an ExternalizableLite object into a Binary object. Unlike the toBinary, this method only serializes the object's content and not the identity part. To reconstruct the object frm that binary you would instantiate and "read" it as follows:
           ExternalizableLite o = new MyLiteObject();
        o - the ExternalizableLite object to write into a Binary object
        a Binary object containing a serialized form of the passed object
        WrapperException - may contain an IOException
      • isVersionCompatible

        public static boolean isVersionCompatible​(DataInput in,
                                                  int nMajor,
                                                  int nMinor,
                                                  int nMicro,
                                                  int nPatchSet,
                                                  int nPatch)
        Determine whether the sender of the content (the given DataInput) runs a version that supersedes (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        in - the DataInput to interrogate
        nMajor - the major version
        nMinor - the minor version
        nMicro - the micro version
        nPatchSet - the patch set version
        nPatch - the patch version
        true iff the sender's version is greater or equal to the specified one
        IllegalArgumentException - if the DataInput is not a VersionAwareBufferInput
      • isVersionCompatible

        public static boolean isVersionCompatible​(DataInput in,
                                                  int nYear,
                                                  int nMonth,
                                                  int nPatch)
        Determine whether the sender of the content (the given DataInput) runs a version that supersedes (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        in - the DataInput to interrogate
        nYear - the year segment of the calendar based version
        nMonth - the month segment of the calendar based version
        nPatch - the patch segment of the calendar based version
        true iff the sender's version is greater or equal to the specified one
        IllegalArgumentException - if the DataInput is not a VersionAwareBufferInput
      • isVersionCompatible

        public static boolean isVersionCompatible​(DataOutput out,
                                                  int nMajor,
                                                  int nMinor,
                                                  int nMicro,
                                                  int nPatchSet,
                                                  int nPatch)
        Determine whether all the recipients of the content (the given DataOutput) run versions that supersede (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        out - the DataOutput to interrogate
        nMajor - the major version
        nMinor - the minor version
        nMicro - the micro version
        nPatchSet - the patch set version
        nPatch - the patch version
        true iff the sender's version is greater or equal to the specified one
        IllegalArgumentException - if the DataOutput is not a VersionAwareBufferOutput
      • isVersionCompatible

        public static boolean isVersionCompatible​(DataOutput out,
                                                  int nYear,
                                                  int nMonth,
                                                  int nPatch)
        Determine whether all the recipients of the content (the given DataOutput) run versions that supersede (greater or equal to) the specified version.
        out - the DataOutput to interrogate
        nYear - the year segment of the calendar based version
        nMonth - the month segment of the calendar based version
        nPatch - the patch segment of the calendar based version
        true iff the sender's version is greater or equal to the specified one
        IllegalArgumentException - if the DataOutput is not a VersionAwareBufferOutput
      • readTrint

        public static int readTrint​(DataInput in)
                             throws IOException
        Read a signed three-byte integer value from a stream.
        in - DataInput stream to read from
        a three-byte signed integer value as an int
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readUnsignedTrint

        public static int readUnsignedTrint​(DataInput in)
                                     throws IOException
        Read an unsigned three-byte integer value from a stream.
        in - DataInput stream to read from
        a three-byte unsigned integer value as an int
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeTrint

        public static void writeTrint​(DataOutput out,
                                      int n)
                               throws IOException
        Write a three-byte integer value to a stream.
        out - DataOutput stream to write to
        n - a three-byte integer value passed as an int
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeTrint

        public static void writeTrint​(DataOutput out,
                                      long l)
                               throws IOException
        Write a three-byte integer value to a stream.
        out - DataOutput stream to write to
        l - a three-byte integer value passed as an long
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • makeTrint

        public static int makeTrint​(long l)
        Convert a long integer to a trint.
        l - the long value to convert to a trint
        the equivalent unsigned 3-byte integer value (a "trint")
      • readInt

        public static int readInt​(ReadBuffer.BufferInput in)
                           throws IOException
        Read an int that uses variable length storage in the buffer.
        in - a BufferInput to read from
        an int value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readInt

        public static int readInt​(DataInput in)
                           throws IOException
        Read an int that uses variable length storage in the stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an int value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • calculatePackedLength

        public static int calculatePackedLength​(int n)
        Calculate the number of bytes needed to store a packed integer using a variable-length format.

        The format differs from DataOutput in that DataOutput always uses a fixed-length 4-byte Big Endian binary format for int values. The "packed" format includes a sign bit (0x40) and a continuation bit (0x80) in the first byte, followed by the least 6 significant bits of the int value. Subsequent bytes (each appearing only if the previous byte had its continuation bit set) include a continuation bit (0x80) and the next least 7 significant bits of the int value. In this way, a 32-bit value is encoded into 1-5 bytes, depending on the magnitude of the int value being encoded.

        n - the value to calculate the packed length of
        the number of bytes needed to store the value
      • writeInt

        public static void writeInt​(WriteBuffer.BufferOutput out,
                                    int n)
                             throws IOException
        Write an int to a buffer using a variable length of storage.
        out - a BufferOutput to write to
        n - an int value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeInt

        public static void writeInt​(DataOutput out,
                                    int n)
                             throws IOException
        Write an int to a stream using a variable length of storage.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        n - an int value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readIntArray2d

        public static int[][] readIntArray2d​(DataInput in)
                                      throws IOException
        Read a 2-dimensional int-array from the stream.
        in - the input stream to read from
        the 2-dimensional int-array
        IOException - if an I/O Exception occurs
      • writeIntArray2d

        public static void writeIntArray2d​(DataOutput out,
                                           int[][] aai)
                                    throws IOException
        Write a 2-dimensional int-array to the stream
        out - the output stream to write to
        aai - the 2-dimensional int-array to write
        IOException - if an I/O Exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if the array is null
      • readLong

        public static long readLong​(ReadBuffer.BufferInput in)
                             throws IOException
        Read a long that uses variable length storage in the buffer.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a long value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLong

        public static long readLong​(DataInput in)
                             throws IOException
        Read a long that uses variable length storage in the stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a long value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • calculatePackedLength

        public static int calculatePackedLength​(long l)
        Calculate the number of bytes needed to store a packed long using a variable-length format.

        The format differs from DataOutput in that DataOutput always uses a fixed-length 8-byte Big Endian binary format for long values. The "packed" format includes a sign bit (0x40) and a continuation bit (0x80) in the first byte, followed by the least 6 significant bits of the long value. Subsequent bytes (each appearing only if the previous byte had its continuation bit set) include a continuation bit (0x80) and the next least 7 significant bits of the long value. In this way, a 64-bit value is encoded into 1-10 bytes, depending on the magnitude of the long value being encoded.

        l - the long value to calculate the packed length of
        the number of bytes needed to store the value
      • writeLong

        public static void writeLong​(WriteBuffer.BufferOutput out,
                                     long l)
                              throws IOException
        Write a long to a buffer using a variable length of storage.
        out - a BufferOutput stream to write to
        l - a long value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeLong

        public static void writeLong​(DataOutput out,
                                     long l)
                              throws IOException
        Write a long to a stream using a variable length of storage.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        l - a long value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readBooleanArray

        public static boolean[] readBooleanArray​(DataInput in)
                                          throws IOException
        Read a packed boolean array.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a boolean array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeBooleanArray

        public static void writeBooleanArray​(DataOutput out,
                                             boolean[] af)
                                      throws IOException
        Write a packed boolean array.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        af - a boolean array value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readByteArray

        public static byte[] readByteArray​(DataInput in)
                                    throws IOException
        Read a variable-length encoded byte array.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a byte array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeByteArray

        public static void writeByteArray​(DataOutput out,
                                          byte[] ab)
                                   throws IOException
        Write a variable-length encoded byte array.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        ab - a byte array value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readUTF

        public static String readUTF​(DataInput in)
                              throws IOException
        Read a variable-length encoded UTF packed String. The major difference between this implementation and DataInputStream is that this is not limited to 64KB String values.

        Note: This format changed in Coherence 3.0; previously the leading integer value was the number of characters, and currently it is the number of bytes as per the package implementations.

        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a String value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • convertUTF

        public static String convertUTF​(byte[] ab,
                                        int of,
                                        int cb,
                                        char[] ach)
                                 throws UTFDataFormatException
        Convert binary UTF-8 encode data to a String. This method is a helper to allow various I/O implementations to share a single, efficient implementation.
        ab - an array of bytes containing UTF-8 encoded characters
        of - the offset into the array of the UTF-8 data to decode
        cb - the binary length in the array of the UTF-8 data to decode
        ach - a temp char array large enough to convert the UTF into
        a String value
        UTFDataFormatException - if the UTF data is corrupt
      • writeUTF

        public static void writeUTF​(DataOutput out,
                                    String s)
                             throws IOException
        Write a variable-length encoded UTF packed String. The major difference between this implementation and DataOutput stream is that this is not limited to 64KB String values.

        Note: This format changed in Coherence 3.0; previously the leading integer value was the number of characters, and currently it is the number of bytes as per the package implementations.

        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        s - a String value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readSafeUTF

        public static String readSafeUTF​(ReadBuffer.BufferInput in)
                                  throws IOException
        Read a variable-length encoded UTF packed String in the buffer.
        in - a BufferInput to read from
        a String value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readSafeUTF

        public static String readSafeUTF​(DataInput in)
                                  throws IOException
        Read a variable-length encoded UTF packed String. The major difference between this implementation and DataInputStream is that this is not limited to 64KB String values and allows null value.

        Note: This format changed in Coherence 3.0; previously the leading integer value was the number of characters, and currently it is the number of bytes as per the package implementations.

        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a String value (could be null)
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeSafeUTF

        public static void writeSafeUTF​(DataOutput out,
                                        String s)
                                 throws IOException
        Write a variable-length encoded UTF packed String. The major difference between this implementation and DataOutput stream is that this is not limited to 64KB String values and allows null value.

        Note: This format changed in Coherence 3.0; previously the leading integer value was the number of characters, and currently it is the number of bytes as per the package implementations.

        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        s - a String value to write (could be null)
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readStringArray

        public static String[] readStringArray​(DataInput in)
                                        throws IOException
        Read a String array.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a String array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeStringArray

        public static void writeStringArray​(DataOutput out,
                                            String[] as)
                                     throws IOException
        Write a String array.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        as - a String array to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readBigInteger

        public static BigInteger readBigInteger​(DataInput in)
                                         throws IOException
        Read a BigInteger from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a BigInteger value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeBigInteger

        public static void writeBigInteger​(DataOutput out,
                                           BigInteger bigint)
                                    throws IOException
        Write a BigInteger to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        bigint - a BigInteger value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readBigDecimal

        public static BigDecimal readBigDecimal​(DataInput in)
                                         throws IOException
        Read a BigDecimal from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a BigDecimal value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeBigDecimal

        public static void writeBigDecimal​(DataOutput out,
                                           BigDecimal dec)
                                    throws IOException
        Write a BigDecimal to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        dec - a BigDecimal value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readDate

        public static Date readDate​(DataInput in)
                             throws IOException
        Read a Date from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a Date value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeDate

        public static void writeDate​(DataOutput out,
                                     Date date)
                              throws IOException
        Write a Date to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        date - a Date value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readTime

        public static Time readTime​(DataInput in)
                             throws IOException
        Read a Time from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a Time value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeTime

        public static void writeTime​(DataOutput out,
                                     Time time)
                              throws IOException
        Write a Time to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        time - a Time value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readTimestamp

        public static Timestamp readTimestamp​(DataInput in)
                                       throws IOException
        Read a Timestamp from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a Timestamp value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeTimestamp

        public static void writeTimestamp​(DataOutput out,
                                          Timestamp dt)
                                   throws IOException
        Write a Timestamp to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        dt - a Timestamp value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readFloatArray

        public static float[] readFloatArray​(DataInput in)
                                      throws IOException
        Read an array of float numbers from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an array of floats
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeFloatArray

        public static void writeFloatArray​(DataOutput out,
                                           float[] afl)
                                    throws IOException
        Write an array of float numbers to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        afl - an array of floats to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readDoubleArray

        public static double[] readDoubleArray​(DataInput in)
                                        throws IOException
        Read an array of double numbers from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an array of doubles
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeDoubleArray

        public static void writeDoubleArray​(DataOutput out,
                                            double[] ad)
                                     throws IOException
        Write an array of double numbers to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        ad - an array of doubles to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readMap

        public static int readMap​(DataInput in,
                                  Map map,
                                  ClassLoader loader)
                           throws IOException
        Read map content from a DataInput stream and update the specified map.

        This method reads entries from the stream and "puts" them into the specified map one-by-one using the "put" method.

        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        map - a map to add the entries into
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        the number of read and inserted entries
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        See Also:
        readMap(DataInput, Map, int, ClassLoader)
      • readMap

        public static int readMap​(DataInput in,
                                  Map map,
                                  int cBlock,
                                  ClassLoader loader)
                           throws IOException
        Read map content from a DataInput stream and update the specified map using the "putAll" method.

        While the method readMap(DataInput, Map, ClassLoader) reads entries from the stream and "puts" them into the specified map one-by-one, this method collects up to the "block" number of entries into a temporary map and then updates the passed in map using the "putAll" method.

        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        map - a map to add the entries into
        cBlock - the maximum number of entries to read at once
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        the number of read and inserted entries
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeMap

        public static void writeMap​(DataOutput out,
                                    Map map)
                             throws IOException
        Write map content to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        map - the map to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readCollection

        public static int readCollection​(DataInput in,
                                         Collection collection,
                                         ClassLoader loader)
                                  throws IOException
        Read collection content from a DataInput stream and update the specified collection.

        This method reads elements from the stream and adds them into the specified collection one-by-one using the "add" method.

        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        collection - a collection to add the elements into
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        the number of read and inserted elements
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeCollection

        public static void writeCollection​(DataOutput out,
                                           Collection collection)
                                    throws IOException
        Write collection content to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        collection - the collection to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readXmlSerializable

        public static XmlSerializable readXmlSerializable​(DataInput in)
                                                   throws IOException
        Read an XmlSerializable object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an XmlSerializable value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readXmlSerializable

        public static XmlSerializable readXmlSerializable​(DataInput in,
                                                          ClassLoader loader)
                                                   throws IOException
        Read an XmlSerializable object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        an XmlSerializable value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeXmlSerializable

        public static void writeXmlSerializable​(DataOutput out,
                                                XmlSerializable o)
                                         throws IOException
        Write an XmlSerializable object to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        o - an XmlSerializable value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readExternalizableLite

        public static ExternalizableLite readExternalizableLite​(DataInput in)
                                                         throws IOException
        Read an ExternalizableLite object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an ExternalizableLite value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readExternalizableLite

        public static ExternalizableLite readExternalizableLite​(DataInput in,
                                                                ClassLoader loader)
                                                         throws IOException
        Read an ExternalizableLite object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        an ExternalizableLite value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • validateLoadClass

        protected static void validateLoadClass​(Class clz,
                                                DataInput in)
                                         throws InvalidClassException
        Validate that the given class is permitted to be deserialized by consulting any associated ObjectInputFilters.
        clz - the class to be validated
        in - input context to use to validate if class is allowed to be loaded
        InvalidClassException - if ObjectInputFilter associated with in rejects class clz
      • validateLoadArray

        public static void validateLoadArray​(Class clz,
                                             int cLength,
                                             DataInput in)
                                      throws InvalidClassException
        Validate that the given class and array length is permitted to be deserialized by consulting any associated ObjectInputFilters.
        clz - the array type to be validated
        cLength - the array length to be validated
        in - input context to use to validate if class is allowed to be loaded
        InvalidClassException - if ObjectInputFilter associated with in rejects array length
      • writeExternalizableLite

        public static void writeExternalizableLite​(DataOutput out,
                                                   ExternalizableLite o)
                                            throws IOException
        Write an ExternalizableLite object to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        o - an ExternalizableLite value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readXmlBean

        public static XmlBean readXmlBean​(DataInput in,
                                          ClassLoader loader)
                                   throws IOException
        Read an XmlBean object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        an XmlBean value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeXmlBean

        public static void writeXmlBean​(DataOutput out,
                                        XmlBean bean)
                                 throws IOException
        Write an XmlBean object to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        bean - an XmlBean value to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
        NullPointerException - if null value if passed
      • readSerializable

        public static Object readSerializable​(DataInput in)
                                       throws IOException
        Read an object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a value object
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readSerializable

        public static Object readSerializable​(DataInput in,
                                              ClassLoader loader)
                                       throws IOException
        Read an object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        a value object
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeSerializable

        public static void writeSerializable​(DataOutput out,
                                             Object o)
                                      throws IOException
        Write an object to a DataOutput stream.
        out - a DataOutput stream to write to
        o - a value object to write
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readObject

        public static <T> T readObject​(DataInput in)
                                throws IOException
        Read an Object from the passed DataInput object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the object read
        in - the DataInput stream to read an object from
        the object read from the DataInput; may be null
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readObject

        public static <T> T readObject​(DataInput in,
                                       ClassLoader loader)
                                throws IOException
        Read an Object from the passed DataInput object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the object read
        in - the DataInput stream to read an object from
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        the object read from the DataInput; may be null
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • writeObject

        public static void writeObject​(DataOutput out,
                                       Object o)
                                throws IOException
        Write the specified data to the passed DataOutput object.
        out - the DataOutput stream to write to
        o - the data to write to the DataOutput; may be null
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • validateBufferSize

        public static void validateBufferSize​(int cb)
        Verify that the requested buffer size is smaller than the configured maximum.
        cb - size of the buffer being requested
        BufferOverflowException - if cb > MAX_BUFFER
      • getDeltaCompressor

        public static DeltaCompressor getDeltaCompressor​(Serializer serializer,
                                                         DeltaCompressor compressor)
        Return a DeltaCompressor suitable for compressing/extracting binaries produced by ExternalizableHelper using the specified serializer. The returned DeltaCompressor will use the specified compressor to compress/extract binaries in the format produced directly by the specified serializer.
        serializer - the serializer whose produced binary format is consumed by the specified compressor
        compressor - the compressor
        a DeltaCompressor
      • loadClass

        public static Class loadClass​(String sClass,
                                      ClassLoader loader1,
                                      ClassLoader loader2)
                               throws ClassNotFoundException
        Attempt to load the specified class using sequentionally all of the specified loaders, the ContextClassLoader and the current class loader.
        sClass - the class name
        loader1 - first ClassLoader to try
        loader2 - second ClassLoader to try
        the Class for the specified name
        ClassNotFoundException - if all the attempts fail
      • loadResource

        public static URL loadResource​(String sName,
                                       ClassLoader loader1,
                                       ClassLoader loader2)
        Attempt to find a valid, resolvable URL for the specified resource, first by using each of the specified ClassLoaders, then using the ContextClassLoader.
        sName - the resource name
        loader1 - first ClassLoader to try
        loader2 - second ClassLoader to try
        the URL for the specified resource name, or null if the resource could not be found
      • getInputStream

        public static InputStream getInputStream​(DataInput in)
        Get an InputStream for the passed DataInput object.
        in - an Object implementing the DataInput interface
        an Object of type InputStream
      • getOutputStream

        public static OutputStream getOutputStream​(DataOutput out)
        Get an OutputStream for the passed DataOutput object.
        out - an Object implementing the DataOutput interface
        an Object of type OutputStream
      • getShieldedOutputStream

        public static OutputStream getShieldedOutputStream​(OutputStream out)
        Get a shielded OutputStream for the passed OutputStream object.
        out - an OutputStream
        an OutputStream that implements the Shielded interface
      • getObjectInput

        public static ObjectInput getObjectInput​(DataInput in,
                                                 ClassLoader loader)
                                          throws IOException
        Get an ObjectInput for the passed DataInput object.
        in - an Object implementing the DataInput interface
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        an Object of type ObjectInput
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • getNewObjectInput

        public static ObjectInput getNewObjectInput​(DataInput in,
                                                    ClassLoader loader)
                                             throws IOException
        Get a new ObjectInput for the passed DataInput, even if the passed DataInput is an ObjectInput.
        in - an Object implementing the DataInput interface
        loader - the ClassLoader to use
        an Object of type ObjectInput that is guaranteed not to be the same reference as in
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • getObjectOutput

        public static ObjectOutput getObjectOutput​(DataOutput out)
                                            throws IOException
        Get an ObjectOutput for the passed DataOutput object.
        out - an Object implementing the DataOutput interface
        an Object of type ObjectOutput
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • isResolving

        public static boolean isResolving​(DataOutput out)
        Determine whether the passed DataOutput handles ClassLoader resolving. Note that the ClassLoader resolving on the "write" side is necessary only to make the stream format symetrical for the "read" side.
        out - an object implementing DataOutput
        true if the object implementing DataOutput also implements ObjectOutput and handles ClassLoader resolving
      • getObjectStreamFactory

        public static ObjectStreamFactory getObjectStreamFactory()
        Return the ObjectStreamFactory used to convert DataInput/Output into ObjectInput/Output streams.
        the currently used ObjectStreamFactory
      • setObjectStreamFactory

        public static void setObjectStreamFactory​(ObjectStreamFactory factory)
        Specify an ObjectStreamFactory that should be used to convert DataInput/Output into ObjectInput/Output streams.

        Warning: This facility should be used with extreme care; failure to set the ObjectStreamFactory identically on all cluster nodes may render some of all clustered services completely inoperable,

        factory - the ObjectStreamFactory to use
      • isSerializable

        public static boolean isSerializable​(Object o)
        Determine if the resource object can be serialized using the DefaultSerializer.
        o - the resource object
        true iff the resource object can be serialized by the DefaultSerializer
      • getStreamFormat

        public static int getStreamFormat​(Object o)
        Internal: Select an optimal stream format to use to store the passed object in a stream (as used by the DefaultSerializer).
        o - an Object
        a stream format to use to store the object in a stream
      • isSerializerCompatible

        public static boolean isSerializerCompatible​(Serializer serializerThis,
                                                     Serializer serializerThat)
        Determines whether or not the specified serializers are compatible. In other words, this method returns true iff object serialized with the first Serializer can be deserialized by the second and visa versa.
        serializerThis - the first Serializer
        serializerThat - the second Serializer
        true iff the two Serializers are stream compatible
      • reportIncompatibleSerializers

        public static void reportIncompatibleSerializers​(NamedCache cache,
                                                         String sService,
                                                         Serializer serializer)
        Log the message explaining the serializer incompatibility between the specified cache and a service.
        cache - the NamedCache reference
        sService - the service name
        serializer - the serializer used by the service
      • isDecorated

        public static boolean isDecorated​(ReadBuffer buf)
        If the ReadBuffer is the result of serialization by ExternalizableHelper, determine if the buffer contains decorations.

        Note: This method can only be used against ReadBuffers that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or buffers that are already decorated.

        buf - the ReadBuffer to check
        true iff the ReadBuffer is decorated
      • isDecorated

        public static boolean isDecorated​(ReadBuffer buf,
                                          int nId)
        If the ReadBuffer is the result of serialization by ExternalizableHelper, determine if the buffer contains the specified decoration.

        Note: This method can only be used against ReadBuffers that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or buffers that are already decorated.

        buf - the ReadBuffer to check
        nId - the identifier for the decoration to check
        true iff the ReadBuffer is decorated with the specified decoration
      • decorate

        public static Binary decorate​(Binary bin,
                                      int nId,
                                      Binary binDecoration)
        Decorate the passed value with the specified decoration and return the resulting Binary. The passed value may or may not already be decorated.

        The decoration id must be in range defined by DECO_ID_MIN and DECO_ID_MAX. A series of DECO_* constants are defined for the pre-approved decorations, including:

        All other potential decoration id values are reserved. Product and framework developers that require a new decoration id to be assigned to them should contact the Coherence product development team.

        Note: This method can only be used against Binary values that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or Binary values that are already decorated.

        bin - the Binary to decorate, which may already be decorated
        nId - the identifier for the decoration, one of the DECO_* constants
        binDecoration - the decoration to apply; a null value will remove the specified decoration
        a decorated Binary containing the passed decoration
      • decorate

        public static ReadBuffer decorate​(ReadBuffer bufOrig,
                                          int nId,
                                          ReadBuffer bufDeco)
        Decorate the passed value with the specified decoration and return the resulting ReadBuffer. The passed value may or may not already be decorated.

        The decoration id must be in range defined by DECO_ID_MIN and DECO_ID_MAX. A series of DECO_* constants are defined for the pre-approved decorations, including:

        All other potential decoration id values are reserved. Product and framework developers that require a new decoration id to be assigned to them should contact the Coherence product development team.

        Note: This method can only be used against ReadBuffers that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or buffers that are already decorated.

        bufOrig - the ReadBuffer to decorate, which may already be decorated
        nId - the identifier for the decoration, one of the DECO_* constants
        bufDeco - the decoration to apply; a null value will remove the specified decoration
        a decorated ReadBuffer containing the passed decoration
      • decorate

        public static Binary decorate​(Binary bin,
                                      Binary[] abinDecorations)
        as of Coherence 3.7.2
        Decorate the passed Binary with the passed decorations. If the passed Binary is decorated, use its decorations as the defaults and the passed decorations as the overrides; if the passed Binary is not decorated, then use it as the default for the "value" decoration.

        Note: This method can only be used against Binary values that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or Binary values that are already decorated.

        bin - the Binary to decorate, which may already be decorated; may be null
        abinDecorations - the decorations to apply; each non-null element is assumed to be a decoration to add whose identifier is its index in the array; the array contents will not be modified by this method
        a decorated Binary containing the passed decorations
      • decorate

        public static ReadBuffer decorate​(ReadBuffer buf,
                                          ReadBuffer[] abufDeco)
        Decorate the passed Binary with the passed decorations. If the passed Binary is decorated, use its decorations as the defaults and the passed decorations as the overrides; if the passed Binary is not decorated, then use it as the default for the "value" decoration.

        Note: This method can only be used against Binary values that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or Binary values that are already decorated.

        buf - the Binary to decorate, which may already be decorated; may be null
        abufDeco - the decorations to apply; each non-null element is assumed to be a decoration to add whose identifier is its index in the array; the array contents will not be modified by this method
        a decorated Binary containing the passed decorations
      • getDecoration

        public static Binary getDecoration​(Binary bin,
                                           int nId)
        as of Coherence 3.7.2
        Extract and return the specified decoration from the passed Binary.

        Note: This method can only be used against Binary values that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or Binary values that are already decorated.

        bin - the Binary that may be decorated
        nId - the identifier for the decoration
        the Binary decoration, or null if the passed Binary is not decorated or if no decoration was found for the specified identifier
      • getDecoration

        public static ReadBuffer getDecoration​(ReadBuffer buf,
                                               int nId)
        Extract and return the specified decoration from the passed ReadBuffer.

        Note: This method can only be used against ReadBuffers that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or buffers that are already decorated.

        buf - the ReadBuffer that may be decorated
        nId - the identifier for the decoration
        the decoration, or null if the passed ReadBuffer is not decorated or if no decoration was found for the specified identifier
      • getDecorations

        public static ReadBuffer[] getDecorations​(ReadBuffer buf)
        Return an array containing all of the decorations from the passed ReadBuffer.

        If the passed value is not decorated, then the result is a single- element array containing the undecorated value, which is the DECO_VALUE decoration.

        Note: This method can only be used against ReadBuffers that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or buffers that are already decorated.

        buf - the ReadBuffer that may be decorated
        an array of all decorations on the passed ReadBuffer, indexed by the DECO_* constants
      • undecorate

        public static Binary undecorate​(Binary bin,
                                        int nId)
        as of Coherence 3.7.2
        Remove the specified decoration from the passed Binary. If the resulting Binary has no decorations remaining, then return the undecorated Binary; otherwise return the decorated Binary with the remaining decorations.

        Note: This method can only be used against Binary values that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or Binary values that are already decorated.

        bin - the Binary to undecorate
        nId - the identifier for the decoration to remove
        a Binary that may be decorated or undecorated
      • undecorate

        public static ReadBuffer undecorate​(ReadBuffer buf,
                                            int nId)
        Remove the specified decoration from the passed ReadBuffer and return the resulting contents (which may be undecorated, or contain the remaining decorations).

        Note: This method can only be used against ReadBuffers that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or buffers that are already decorated.

        buf - the ReadBuffer to undecorate
        nId - the identifier for the decoration to remove
        a ReadBuffer that may or may not be decorated
      • getUndecorated

        public static Binary getUndecorated​(Binary bin)
        as of Coherence 3.7.2
        If the passed Binary is decorated, extract the original Binary value that the decorations were added to, otherwise return the passed Binary value.

        Note: This method can only be used against Binary values that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or Binary values that are already decorated.

        bin - the Binary object
        the undecorated Binary value, or null if the Binary value is decorated but does not contain an original Binary value
      • getUndecorated

        public static ReadBuffer getUndecorated​(ReadBuffer buf)
        If the passed ReadBuffer is decorated, extract the original contents that the decorations were added to, otherwise return the passed Binary value.

        Note: This method can only be used against ReadBuffers that result from serialization by ExternalizableHelper or buffers that are already decorated.

        buf - the ReadBuffer object
        the undecorated ReadBuffer, or null if the specified buffer is decorated but does not contain an actual value
      • asBinary

        public static Binary asBinary​(ReadBuffer buf)
        Return a Binary representing the contents of the specified ReadBuffer, or null if the buffer is null.
        buf - the read buffer
        the contents of the read buffer as a Binary object, or null
      • replace

        public static Object replace​(Object o)
                              throws ObjectStreamException
        Potentially replaces specified argument with a different object before serialization.
        o - the object to replace, if necessary
        the replacement object
        ObjectStreamException - if an error occurs
      • realize

        public static <T> T realize​(Object o,
                                    Serializer serializer)
                             throws ObjectStreamException
        Realizes object after deserialization by applying post-serialization rules.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of realized object
        o - the object to realize
        serializer - the serializer that was used to deserialize the object
        fully realized object
        ObjectStreamException - if an error occurs
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] asArgs)
        Parse a hex string representing a serialized object.


           java com.tangosol.util.ExternalizableHelper 0x0603486921
        asArgs - the hex string as the command line arguments
      • decodeExpiry

        public static long decodeExpiry​(ReadBuffer buf)
        Decode the expiry time from the specified ReadBuffer.
        buf - the buffer to decode
        the decoded expiry, or CacheMap.EXPIRY_DEFAULT if none exists
      • decorate

        public static ExternalizableHelper.IntDecoratedObject decorate​(Object oValue,
                                                                       int nDecoration)
        Decorate the specified value with the specified integer decoration.
        oValue - the value to be decorated
        nDecoration - the integer decoration
        the decorated object
      • decorateBinary

        public static ReadBuffer decorateBinary​(ReadBuffer bufValue,
                                                int nDecoration)
        Decorate the specified ReadBuffer with the specified integer decoration.
        bufValue - the ReadBuffer to be decorated
        nDecoration - the integer decoration
        the decorated (with integer decoration) ReadBuffer
      • isIntDecorated

        public static boolean isIntDecorated​(ReadBuffer buf)
        Check whether or not the specified ReadBuffer is a representation of an IntDecoratedObject.
        buf - the ReadBuffer
        true iff the buffer contains (starts with) a representation of an IntDecoratedObject
      • isIntDecorated

        public static boolean isIntDecorated​(ByteSequence buf)
        Check whether or not the specified ByteSequence is a representation of an IntDecoratedObject.
        buf - the ByteSequence
        true iff the buffer contains (starts with) a representation of an IntDecoratedObject
      • extractIntDecoration

        public static int extractIntDecoration​(ReadBuffer buf)
        Extract a decoration value from the specified ReadBuffer that contains a representation of an IntDecoratedObject.
        buf - the ReadBuffer
        the integer decoration value
      • removeIntDecoration

        public static Binary removeIntDecoration​(Binary bin)
        as of Coherence 3.7.2
        Remove a decoration value from the specified Binary that contains a representation of an IntDecoratedObject.
        bin - the Binary object
        the undecorated Binary value
      • removeIntDecoration

        public static ReadBuffer removeIntDecoration​(ReadBuffer buf)
        Remove a decoration value from the specified ReadBuffer that contains a representation of an IntDecoratedObject.
        buf - the ReadBuffer
        the undecorated ReadBuffer
      • readCharArray

        public static char[] readCharArray​(DataInput in)
                                    throws IOException
        Read a char array.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        a char array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLongArray

        public static long[] readLongArray​(DataInput in)
                                    throws IOException
        Read an array of long numbers from a DataInput stream that use fixed-length 8-byte Big Endian binary format.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an array of longs
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readIntArray

        public static int[] readIntArray​(DataInput in)
                                  throws IOException
        Read an array of int numbers from a DataInput stream which use fixed-length 4-byte Big Endian binary format.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an array of ints
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readObjectArray

        public static Object[] readObjectArray​(DataInput in)
                                        throws IOException
        Read an array of object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        an array of object
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • checkObjectInputFilter

        protected static boolean checkObjectInputFilter​(Class<?> clz,
                                                        ObjectInputStream ois)
        Return true if the provided class is allowed to be deserialized.
        clz - the class to be checked
        ois - the ObjectInputStream
        true if the provided class is allowed to be deserialized
      • checkObjectInputFilter

        protected static boolean checkObjectInputFilter​(Class<?> clz,
                                                        DataInput in)
        Return true if the provided class is allowed to be deserialized.
        clz - the class to be checked
        in - input context containing ObjectInputFilter
        true if the provided class is allowed to be deserialized from in
      • checkObjectInputFilter

        protected static boolean checkObjectInputFilter​(Class<?> clz,
                                                        int cLength,
                                                        DataInput in)
        Return true if the provided class is allowed to be deserialized.
        clz - the class to be checked
        cLength - array length to be checked
        in - input context containing ObjectInputFilter
        true if the provided class is allowed to be deserialized from in
      • getObjectInputFilter

        protected static Object getObjectInputFilter​(DataInput in)
        Return ObjectInputFilter associated with DataInput.
        in - DataInput that may or may not have a ObjectInputFilter associated with it
        ObjectInputFilter associated with in or null when one does not exist
      • getConfigSerialFilter

        public static Object getConfigSerialFilter()
        Return the static JVM-wide serial filter or null if not configured.
        ObjectInputFilter as an Object to enable working with Java versions before 9 or null if no filter has been configured.
      • getConfigSerialFilterFactory

        public static BinaryOperator getConfigSerialFilterFactory()
        Return the static JVM-wide serial filter factory.
        deserialization filter factory for Java version 17 and greater, null otherwise.
      • readIntArray

        protected static int[] readIntArray​(DataInput in,
                                            int c)
                                     throws IOException
        Read an array of the specified number of int from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        c - length to read
        an array of ints
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLargeIntArray

        protected static int[] readLargeIntArray​(DataInput in,
                                                 int cLength)
                                          throws IOException
        Read an array of ints with length larger than CHUNK_THRESHOLD >> 2.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - length to read
        an array of ints
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readObjectArray

        protected static Object[] readObjectArray​(DataInput in,
                                                  int cLength)
                                           throws IOException
        Read an array of the specified number of object from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - length to read
        an array of objects
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLargeObjectArray

        protected static Object[] readLargeObjectArray​(DataInput in,
                                                       int cLength)
                                                throws IOException
        Read an array of objects with length larger than CHUNK_THRESHOLD >> 4.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - length to read
        an array of objects
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLongArray

        protected static long[] readLongArray​(DataInput in,
                                              int cLength)
                                       throws IOException
        Read an array of the specified number of longs from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - length to read
        an array of longs
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLargeLongArray

        protected static long[] readLargeLongArray​(DataInput in,
                                                   int cLength)
                                            throws IOException
        Read an array of longs with length larger than CHUNK_THRESHOLD >> 3.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - length to read
        an array of longs
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readCharArray

        protected static char[] readCharArray​(Utf8Reader reader,
                                              int cLength)
                                       throws IOException
        Read an array of char for the specified length from the reader.
        reader - the Utf8Reader to read from
        cLength - the length to read
      • readLargeCharArray

        protected static char[] readLargeCharArray​(Utf8Reader reader,
                                                   int cLength)
                                            throws IOException
        Read an array of char for the specified length from the reader.
        reader - the Utf8Reader to read from
        cLength - the length to read
      • readLargeByteArray

        protected static byte[] readLargeByteArray​(DataInput in,
                                                   int cb)
                                            throws IOException
        Read byte array with length larger than CHUNK_THRESHOLD.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cb - number of bytes to read
        a read byte array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readBooleanArray

        protected static boolean[] readBooleanArray​(DataInput in,
                                                    int cLength)
                                             throws IOException
        Read the specified number of booleans from a boolean array.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - the length to read
        a boolean array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLargeBooleanArray

        protected static boolean[] readLargeBooleanArray​(DataInput in,
                                                         int cLength)
                                                  throws IOException
        Read a boolean array with length larger than CHUNK_THRESHOLD.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - length to read
        the read boolean array
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readFloatArray

        protected static float[] readFloatArray​(DataInput in,
                                                int cfl)
                                         throws IOException
        Read an array of the specified number of floats from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cfl - the length to read
        an array of floats
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLargeFloatArray

        protected static float[] readLargeFloatArray​(DataInput in,
                                                     int cLength)
                                              throws IOException
        Read a float array with length larger than CHUNK_THRESHOLD >> 2.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - length to read
        the read float array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readDoubleArray

        protected static double[] readDoubleArray​(DataInput in,
                                                  int cdfl)
                                           throws IOException
        Read an array of the specified number of doubles from a DataInput stream.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cdfl - length to read
        an array of doubles
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLargeDoubleArray

        protected static double[] readLargeDoubleArray​(DataInput in,
                                                       int cLength)
                                                throws IOException
        Read a double array with length larger than CHUNK_THRESHOLD >> 3.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        cLength - the length to read
        an array of doubles
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readStringArray

        protected static String[] readStringArray​(DataInput in,
                                                  int c)
                                           throws IOException
        Read array of string for the specified size.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        c - length to read
        the read string array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • readLargeStringArray

        protected static String[] readLargeStringArray​(DataInput in,
                                                       int c)
                                                throws IOException
        Read array of string with length larger than threshold CHUNK_THRESHOLD >> 3.
        in - a DataInput stream to read from
        c - length to read
        the read string array value
        IOException - if an I/O exception occurs
      • getClass

        public static Class getClass​(String sClass)
        Return class for the specified class name; null if not found.
        sClass - the class name
        the class for the specified class name